Where Meaning
Mastery Meet
When learning and development are cultivated in a safe and open process, extraordinary things can happen for individuals and teams. We can experience more joy, better relationships, increased effectiveness, greater ease, and more capacity to be our authentic self. As we become more capable, we have new ways of understanding our purpose. It is in this place that meaning and mastery meet.
My work takes three forms: I am an internationally certified coach, a skillful designer and facilitator of leadership team meetings and retreats, and the author and trainer of leadership development programs.
Coaching Programs
I coach in many areas of leadership, with a particular emphasis on how thoughts and beliefs influence behavior, style and results.
Team Consulting
I specialize in creating impactful team events that improve trust, alignment and effectiveness.
Leadership Programs
I have developed numerous leadership programs that have high impact because they are experiential, action-oriented and grounded in best practices.
About Me
My personal development over the past decade has shifted from holding to my own expertise and intelligence as my primary value to deepening my relationship to the wisdom in my heart and gut. I sometimes say that I used to be “a neck up” consultant. I’m grateful to now embody a presence that reflects an integration in myself that allows me to offer something more profound to my clients.
Michael McCullough
“Life-changing! Career-enhancing! That's what it's like to work with Helene. As a consultant, Helene helped me to "find my voice" and instilled within me the tools and confidence necessary to make much needed changes in my life and my leadership/management style. Now, in my interactions with my employees (and also in my personal life), I am able to implement the strategies and tactics I learned from Helene, in situations that, just two years ago, I would not have been as equipped to deal with as successfully as I am now.
When you work with Helene as a consultant, she gets to the core of who you are and, through working with her, you learn what you need to change and how those changes can benefit you personally and professionally. And that's just what she did for me, individually. What she did for us, working as a consultant with our leadership team, was equally as transformative, on a larger scale. I didn't know quite what to expect when we started our first sessions with Helene, but it soon became clear that we were moving towards something that would change the way we think about ourselves, our organization, and our interactions. And, for that, I am grateful to Helene and I couldn't recommend her more highly.”
— EVP/CMO, Miami Heat
Linda Chin
“Helene is focused on true continuous improvement. This often results in previously unimaginable breakthroughs.”
— Retired Vice President, Fortune 500 Company
Peter Dubois
“Helene provides insights, perspective and behavioral practices that enable me to be most effective in my professional work.”
— CEO, The California Dental Association
Contact Me
Are you ready to take the next step? Do you want to create more intentional results? Would you like to step into a fuller expression of who you are?
(415) 826-1456