About Me
I am grateful to have built HDA Consulting, over the past 30 years, into a brand that stands for deeply impactful work, long-lasting client relationships, and extraordinary opportunities for both my clients and me to learn and grow and give back. I am committed to helping leaders improve their impact and build great teams and organizations by becoming more self-aware, accountable for the results they are creating, and inspired towards more effective, purposeful action.
My intention is to be a partner and confidant in service of my client’s development; I am a curious and supportive listener while also offering my perspective, feedback and relevant experiences. Clients tell me that they appreciate my active engagement, presence, caring, and my keen insights.
My commitment is to create results from the inside out. I’m less interested in topics that you can read in a book or in making suggestions at simply a behavioral level. My passion is to unleash power, compassion, creativity, awareness and presence, by uprooting some unexamined early imprints, revealing key blind spots that create unintended impacts, and awakening conscious presence so that you can create more intentionally what you really want.
I earned my Psy.D. from the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin. I am a certified Professional Coach with the International Coaching Federation and a certified Integral Coach through New Ventures West. I’m certified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the TILT 365, Center for Creative Leadership 360 assessments, as well as the Denison Culture Survey and Booth 360 instruments. Finally, I am a certified trainer for the Organization Workshop through Power & Systems.
About My Approach
The Results Model
Central to my approach is what I call The Results Model. We often don’t have control about what occurs around us, but how we react, and whether and how we choose to respond, are the places where we have power in shaping our results. I like to say that we can be scientists about results or leave it up to chance. Those that work with me take on practices that enable them to understand how to create the results that they most want. They do this by learning how to skillfully work with their emotions and thoughts, and discerning and choosing precise responses that lead to extraordinary outcomes. These unfold in the form of strong trusting relationships, greater creativity and innovation, improved team effectiveness and much more.
When I am not working, I can be found joyfully playing golf, grinning ear to ear when I ski, often in awe hiking a trail in Marin, taking a long walk in my neighborhood while listening to my favorite podcasts, enjoying travel, participating in workshops, and making a meal for friends and family.
Contact Me
Are you ready to take the next step? Do you want to create more intentional results? Would you like to step into a fuller expression of who you are?
(415) 826-1456